Kaiser Chiefs
I don’t like bad mouthing bands or giving negative reviews. I just assume not write about them or just dismiss them all together. After all, your mom always said don’t say anything if you can’t say anything nice. Let’s forget that I just said that. I don’t really care for the Kaiser Chiefs. In fact, they’re the kind of band that you love to hate. I have listened to their first album, and have caught them in concert twice, by mistake mind you, at different music festivals, and I cringed both times. It’s just something about them, Perhaps they hype machine that is known as NME. I heard this single,Ruby, and I thought, this is actually really good. Than I check to see who it was, and boom, Kaiser Chiefs. My heart sank, and shook my head in utter dismay. The album , Yours Truly, Angry Mob, will be released March 1st and you can buy the album here.

By julio

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