
The music of jangly pop/twang Limbeck is best described as a trip I once took. It was a roadtrip to be exact. It started from Los Angeles, and it was early morning. We were staying in West Hollywood recovering from a night of debauchery, old friends, and a show, I think it was the Troubador. We found a Ralph’s , bought some Superfood (I luv me some Odewalla) and we were supposed to stay with some “family” in San Diego, but didn’t really pan out. We hung around that afternoon in the Mission Beach area only to find out that the hotels were like $200 a night, which was a little out of our range if we wanted to get back to our destination in El Paso. So we drove from San Diego straight to El Paso , driving through the desert that is known as Arizona. The heat was sweltering, and we had a vast collection of music to accompany our voyage. My friend ( he drove the entire ride, it was awesome, I was just co-pilot for the duration of the trip) loves him some Willie Nelson ,Johnny Cash , Dire Straits , and Fleetwood Mac. In that order. The afternoon turned to dusk and the stars blanketed the night sky of of New Mexico. We kept trucking, it was a total of 18 hours from Los Angeles to El Paso, but listening to this album kind of sounds like our long car ride. Their new album is being released April 10th, which you can buy here, and they will be on tour in support of the album. You can catch them at SXSW and if you’re in Denver, they will be playing Angelo’s Music Store(??) in Littleton Feb 27 according to their Myspace.

Limbeck-Big Drag[mp3]

Limbeck-Your Story[mp3]

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. Holy crap, how did you get “Your Story”? It’s an amazing song!

    I can’t wait for this record.

  2. the entire album starts off poppy and gets twangy towards to the middle and by the end, it’s this amazing mix….

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