The Shins
Filmore Auditorium

The Filmore was shoulder to shoulder inside, and outside, the scalpers were selling tickets to a Shins show for $80, geez…..That’s a lot of skrill, atleast in these parts for a show. They played with much enthusiasm, however, when they changed up fan favorite, I think it was Know Your Onion!, I noticed that the crowd was kind of displeased, unapproved, and did not like the impromptu jazzy version. Other thing I noticed, I was probably the closest one in the auditorium, stage hands aside, closest to an AARP discount. Just a simple observation.

The Shins-Sleeping Lessons [mp3]

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. I had to laugh at your AARP discount observation. Believe me, I know the feeling.

    @ Speed of Dark

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