Camera Obscura
Bluebird Theatre

Camera Obscura’s sound always makes me feel nostalgic for a time when I was a kid and I remember listening to my mother’s vinyl because she always played music around the house. I always feel that when I’m listening to their music, there’s Spector’s great wall of sound awaiting to catch your attention. I felt embarrassed for the audience because there was a couple of times where the group was asking for the monitors to be adjusted, and being that the group is from Glasgow, their English was a bit hard to follow. This prompted an uproar of laughter and several members of the audience to try out their best Groundskeeper Willie impersonation. I felt bad for the band, and for the audience. To those people, please try and get out more.

Camera Obscura-Lloyd I’m_ready_to_be_heartbroken [mp3]

By julio

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