The Lost Take

You have seen or at least heard him lately. With all this talk of Andrew Bird’s new album has an unsung hero in the shape of Martin Dosh. The multi-instrumentalist from the group Fog is standing on his own feet with a little help from his friends, ahem, Andrew Bird, and fellow Twin City Kid Erick Applewick from Tapes N’ Tapes. The name of his most recent album is The Lost Take and you can catch him at the Hi-Dive this Sunday!!!! His new album is all over the place and very experimental. Be prepared to be amazed!

Dosh- Um, Circles and Squares [mp3]

Upcoming Shows from his MySpace page

Feb 4 2007
Sam Bond’s Garage
Eugene, Oregon
Feb 5 2007
Portland, Oregon
Feb 7 2007
Chop Suey
Seattle, Washington
Feb 9 2007
Denver, Colorado
Feb 10 2007
Jackpot Saloon
Lawrence, Kansas

By julio

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