MTV, What Have You
Done To Me?
By now, most (I’m not naming names or pointing fingers) have gotten their mits on what is one of the most anticipated albums on the year, Neon Bible, and hopefully pre-ordered the album or at least buy the album when it’s released. You’ve read on message boards from everywhere bitching about Win’s voice doesn’t have enough conviction, too much Regina, not enough Regina, sophomore slump, they’re getting too big, sellouts, and on and on and on. Why is it that when one of the most important, innovative bands of the 00’s comes around with this sound that makes you feel so alive is built up so high, just so that everyone can tear them down even harder. Think about the first time you listened to them. You probably wet your pants multiple times. People are very quick to judge (myself included) because of fame and absolutely entitled to their opinions, but their music should be judged on the music, not about status-quo or how many blogs have written about them in the weeks leading up to their release date. I woke up this morning with Neon Bible stuck in my head, Neon Bible, Neon Bible, Neon Bible. It made me happy because I was finally GETTING the album. As lame as it sounds, it kind of hit me like an epiphany and Coachella is only 3 months away.

By julio

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