January 2007

Pavement 04/23/97Ogden TheatreDenver, CO I’m still in the transition phase of the move. Everything is in boxes, bags, on the floor, or a combination of all three. I can’t seem…

Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks 01/06/07El Rey TheatreLos Angeles, CA Swede from the Malkmus Messageboard took these pictures and here is a setlist from that night. 1. Jo-Jo’s Jacket2. Saga…

Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks 01/06/07El Rey TheatreLos Angeles, CA Swede from the Malkmus Messageboard took these pictures and here is a setlist from that night. 1. Jo-Jo’s Jacket2. Saga…

Stephen Malkmus & the JicksPrime ClubCologne, Germany04/07/03 Things are a little slow for me today. I feel as if I was hit by a freight train. This weekend I tackled…

Stephen Malkmus & the JicksPrime ClubCologne, Germany04/07/03 Things are a little slow for me today. I feel as if I was hit by a freight train. This weekend I tackled…

The Shins On Tour Here’s something I wanted to share yesterday. The first leg of the Shins tour has them coming to DENVER! We usually get snubbed, but that’s ok,…

The Shins On Tour Here’s something I wanted to share yesterday. The first leg of the Shins tour has them coming to DENVER! We usually get snubbed, but that’s ok,…

++++++++++First Friday+++++++++ So it’s the first Friday of the year and things are a little quiet around here. We just got sucker punched here in Denver with another snowstorm. I…