Plague Songs

Plague Songs is a group of songs compiled in order from the book of Exodus , about , you guessed it, plagues. I heard this song off of this compilation that I swore was Talk Talk, but it turned out it was Stephin Merritt. It’s 80’s-tastic and is synth-heavy, totally unlike anything that he has done under the Magnetic Fields moniker. The tracklisting is solid and most think that the Scott Walker track is the real gem, but IMHO, they are WRONG! You can buy the album here.

Plague Songs

1. Blood – Klashnekoff

2. Relate The Tale – King Creosote

3. Meaning Of Lice – Merritt, Stephin

4. Flies – Eno, Brian & Robert Wyatt

5. Fifth Plague – Anderson, Laurie

6. Boils – ChesnuTT, Cody

7. Hailstones – Tiger Lillies (1)

8. Glittering Cloud – Heap, Imogen

9. Darkness – Walker, Scott

10. Katonah – Wainwright, Rufus

By julio

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