Best Soundtrack(s) of the Year 2006It’s a tie. I couldn’t pick a winner between the two, maybe you can?! Little Miss Sunshine-DevotchKa-You Love Me Remix Marie Antoinette-Siouxie and the Banshees-Hong…

Gomez on Tour (again) From GOMEZ HQ: GOMEZ 2007 TOURDATES – BEN OTTEWELL SOLO, O.A.R., AUSTRALIA We have seen the message board concerns for our health as we continue to…

Daft Punk @ the Bang Festvial! 11/11 My friend Zack was flabbergasted by their performance, and why not, it looks amazing! I’ve read in a couple of places that their…

**************************************** Best of 2006 Albums of the Year (gawd, is 06′ already over?) **************************************************** This was one of the hardest years to rank in top albums of the year. There…

The Calm Before the Storm Honorable Mention Albums of 2006 MSTRKRFT-This album was guaranteed to get the party started right, and started a new direction for Sebastian of DFA1979(RIP).MSTRKRFT-Work On…