Two Bands that I missed at CMJ and
Lived to Tell the Tale

I don’t hide my affinity for electro sounding music. Even if it is disguised in the form of thrash….I missed these bands because I was TOO hungry and couldn’t wait it out. To my dismay, I come to find out that they rawked and the rest is history.

Crystal Castles

Crystal Casltes-xxzxczx me

from their myspace page

we are crystal castles we are 1 boy and 1 girl we are named after She-Ra’s home we play rough
“HOME DEMO” EP (CD-R) 100 copies with homemade art. 5 songs. songs: untrust us, love and caring (instr.), excuse me, february, air war paypal $7 u.s. (includes postage) to
[email protected]
“ALICE PRACTICE” EP (7″) 500 copies. 200 copies sold in days. / / update: it’s sold out / / /. “..a classic in the making.” (NME) songs: alice practice, dolls, air war, love and caring on Merok Records.
coming soon:
“MAGIC SPELLS” EP (12″) clear pink vinyl on Young Cubs Records
“INSECTICON” EP (CD & Cassette) on Blood of the Drash Records pre-order on their page (see “top 8”)
SHIRTS/ / /SHIRTS //SHIRTS ////SHIRTS click on the pic below or go to design by Trevor Brown

Crystal Castles @ the Fader House


These Scandanavian kids looked like they were trying a little TOO hard to look 80’s , but their music will give them a pass, atleast this time that is.

Lo-Fi-Fnk – Adore

From their website

Love it when you call! You can preview and buy the Lo-Fi-Fnk remix of the Feeling’s “Love it when you call” here.
…so i can say what’s on my mind Headphone Sex has posted the Lo-Fi-Fnk remix of The Soft Lightes ‘Girl Kills Bear’.
Download it here
the feeling remix LFF has just finished a remix of UK band
The Feeling’s upcoming single ‘I love it when you call’.

Lo-Fi-Fnk @ the Fader House

By julio

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