The Departed Movie Review

Martin Scorsese maybe one of the best directors of all time. He has never been granted a lifetime achievement award from the Academy, and I believe that he warrants one. His contribution to film is unmatched. He is responsible for introducing Rock n Roll music to film. He is the master at compiling soundtracks and the Departed is right up there. I was unable to find a tracklisting to the soundtrack but know that the Rolling Stones, Van Morrison, Dropkick Murphy’s and a dozen other acts will be included. You can spot a Scorsese movie from a mile away. Nobody can capture a moment or an angle like Marty. The Departed is an amazing movie that is spun one hundred different ways. I won’t give anything away, but make sure you pay attention very closely. I missed the first ten minutes of the movie and I can’t wait to rewatch this one.

By julio

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