The Killers – Sam’s Town CD Review

The Killers album , “Sams Town” is being released tommorow and the hate started from the moment lead singer Brandon Flowers opened up his yap and said that this was going to be , “the best album of the last 20 years.” Statements like that only infuriate the public and welcome any bashing coming their way. So, was it the best album of the twenty years? No. Is it a sophomore slump? No. It will be a release probably forgotten by most. Everything that their fans liked about them is gone. Nothing flashy here. Stereogum has a post where everybody has thrown everything at the guys excpet the kitchen sink, and that too will probably be on its way. It is evident that they have tried to recreate everything that was good about 80’s Springsteen, but they forgot one thing, they aren’t the Boss and if they were trying to be the Boss, maybe they could try a little harder. The album isn’t the worst album, nor is it the greatest. 2 out of 4 stars for sure. I get to see them in two weeks, so I will get to see firsthand on how much progress they have made in their live shows.

The Killers-For Reasons Unknown

The Killers “Bones” on SNL

By julio

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