Kings of Leon & the Stills @
the Gothic Theatre 09-30-06

Wow have the mighty have fallen. The Stills use to be the media darlings of 2003. They were one of the top artists to see by Fader Magazine. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to “Logic Will Break Your Heart.” It was in my rotation for a solid year. Time passed, a new release came, and it was received with lackluster reviews. I gave it the benefit of doubt, and no matter how much I have tried to like the album, it never grew on me . Their performance was uneventful and unsuccessful in getting the crowd rolling. Not to mention that the Theatre Gestapo was in full force because I came THIS close to getting my camera snatched. So I was only able to get some shots of the Stills. Had I had known this, I would have held off till Kings of Leon, although my friend Chris was in the crowd, so hopefully he will forward me his photos. I literally almost had to put the smack down on one of the concert usher monkeys. Now, the Kings of Leon set was a whole different story. These kids were unbelievably tight. Take this with a grain of salt, but the KOL play American Rock ‘N Roll. You know when you think of ol’ fashion rock n roll you think of Tom Petty, Skynrd, type rock, kind of like , rock out with your cock out music. So good! I eagerly anticipate their next album, thus prompting me to dig out my KOL CD’s again because I forgot how good they are. The best part was seeing them in such a small venue, and the only drawback is that it was a Camel sponsored event, so you can imagine the Camel Schwag that was flowing freely.

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By julio

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