Broncos Defense Wins, again!

Yesterday the Donkeys pulled out another one against a winless team. I don’t know whether to be excited or scared at the fact that the Broncos Offense has yet to show it’s face this entire season. However, Bronco faithful, do not fret. I say this with the utmost confidence. Ol’ Shanny is an Offensive Mastermind, and he is the king of the Poker face when it comes to the draft. So, we are speculating on a couple of things. First, Shanny does not want to give up his trick plays, especially when he is going to be facing Indy in two weeks. Next, Shanny is confident enough in his defense that they can win him games till the end of the season. At which point, he really gets the guys into gear. Make no mistake, because, the Broncos will score on you and yo mama when necessary! BTW, is it too early to vote Champ as Defensive Player of the Year?

By julio

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