Art Brut @

Bluebird 10/10/06

My homegirl Ele went to this show and I was supposed to go, but never got around to it. Here is what she has to say.

Banging Art Brut

Having just discovered rock n roll, my little brother Chris agreed to see Art Brut with me Tuesday night. I was surprised to see how few people turned out at the Bluebird, but maybe it was the sold-out Ladytron show the night before that kept show-goers home on this cool, fall night. The spunky, self-amused We Are Scientists opened the night. (I was too late arriving to catch the first set, The Spinto Band) I bopped along to all the songs they played from their newest release, With Love and Squalor, but I don’t think their live show is anything special. When they played their version of Bang Bang Rock n Roll, I was left wondering why I didn’t get it. It didn’t sound anything like Art Brut’s, or even sound good in itself. Anyway, the lead singer is cute so I survived. Art Brut came on without adieu and I was instantly pleased with their energy. From what I’d heard from others who’ve seen them live, I thought it might be over-the-top crazy, but it wasn’t. Intense yet relaxing loudness. Eddie was selflessly giving it his all. In his stocking feet and with brows furrowed he spoke (and sometimes sang) his lyrics with perfect tempo with his 4 piece rock pals, whose outfits and antics were interesting to watch (not obnoxious). His wit and British accent cracked me up even when I couldn’t make out what he was saying. Overall, though I should not have been out this late on a weeknight (I keep promising myself I’ll stop), I had a sweetly pleasing night out in Denver.

By julio

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