The Killers Fillmore 10-16-06

The band everybody loves to hate (at least one of them) played to a sold out crowd with an exorbant amount of energy. B-Flo did look a bit mechanical at times, but he is trying to hone in on his inner Bono/Boss, and he’s not doing a bad job. This is the first tour that the band is doing to support their latest release Sam’s Town. No surprises here. They played the first three songs off of the new album to start the show off, and delved into their multi platinum platinum album Hot Fuss. These guys have been taking a hit since word caught on that their album was going to be the best of the last 20 years. Especially after watching their half assed performance on SNL, the guys did put together a pretty high energy show, predictable, but definitely high energy.

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By julio

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