U2 and Green Day on MNFL

There is not a day that one can watch TV and not be reminded of the atrocity that became one of the biggest blunders in US history. If you have HBO, there is a great documentary by Spike Lee, you can probably just watch it on demand. I think it’s called , “The Day the Levee Broke,” and as you can infer, the documentary is about the victims from New Orleans, and all that they have had to endure. My heart genuinely goes out to these people. I like U2, although, I can’t say the same for Green Day. I respect Billy and the crew, but their music is not for me. I would like to dub them the kings of “Mall Punk”, or “Hot Topic Punk.” It really bothered me to see them on stage dancing around in the name of the victims. I just feel that they are exploiting the cause and have ruined a good song , “When the Saints Come Marching In,” otherwise. I just felt that if they really felt it was important to play at the Superdome, they should have done a better job of insuring that the victims of the hurricane would have been there at the first game of the reopening of the Superdome. Instead, all you saw from the camera angles, were the unaffected (for lack of a better word, and no, I am not going to get all Kanye on this post) people from the hurricane. If you want to download last night’s performance, go here.

***Slowly climbs down from soapbox***

By julio

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