The Science of Traveling

I just finished my whirlwind tour of NYC this past weekend. I was hoping to catch a show, but most of the bands playing I had already seen at Austin City Limits. Tons of good food, museums, Broadway play, rock n roll sites of interest, touristy sites, Little Italy, steaming hot subways, walking, shopping, more walking, and gypsy cabs. I got jacked by a gypsy cab, and I’m not very happy about it, but so goes…I did catch the new Gael Garcia movie, which was truly AMAZING. Very inventive on Gondry’s part and there’s no way of me explaining the movie, tons of special effects, animation, and genuinely well written. I think I may see it again. I feel that I missed a lot the first time, tons of symbolism involved. The funny thing is that the female lead in the movie is very homely looking, but the movie makes you fall for her towards the latter part of the movie, truly wonderful, do not miss this one.

By julio

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