Junior Boyz @ Hi Dive 09/20/06

Yeah suckas, they deserve the “z” instead of the “s.” I don’t know what I was really expecting from da Boyz last night, and no, I am not referring to Dem’ Franchise Boyz. Maybe a longer set for starters. They only played for 45 minutes. I was expecting a three set show, but 45 minutes is a little short for an act with two albums. Especially when they’re promoting a new one as we speak. I also felt that there was very little crowd enthusiasm. Literally, I felt that everybody was standing around like a bunch of robots. I felt bad for da Boyz. It was a large crowd with zero participation. Maybe, the occasional headbob or the leg shake, but that was the extent. I guess I would have played a 30 minute set if that was the case.

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By julio

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