Everything Absent or Distorted
@ Larimer Lounge 09/19/06

I made it. I did the impossible and unthinkable. I was able to rally hard enough from my early red eye flight in the morning to Denver, to working all day, and getting beat in the last minute of Madden ’07 by a flippin field goal. What lousy luck. Despite thosee overwhelming odds, I made it to Larimer Lounge. It’s refreshing to see how amazing the local scene is getting in Denver. I can’t wait till people start talking about it and say how lucky we are to have all these amazing bands. Everything Absent or Distorted is very heavy on the talent side. I have only seen one band in my entire time of going to shows play musical chairs on stage. The Arcade Fire changed instruments amongst each other for every song. I’m sure there are a couple more out there, but in my experience I have only seen one band do the exchange live. I felt that every song had a new band member on stage. Between songs I found myself counting the members on stage, other times wondering if the new ones I hadn’t seen prior were from the crowd or someone that was tending bar. I have to give them kudos for even getting that many people together for a show. I can barely coordinate atleast two friends to go the bar with me, and here’ s this band getting 7-8 people to practice and do shows. The music did translate well live, and they were successful in making me feel most human emotions in 45 minutes. I found myself angry at one minute, and the other gazing outside thinking how wonderful life truly is to me. Again, not many bands are able to make me feel that way, and they are truly in an elite cirle of talent. Posted by Picasa

By julio

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