Austin City Limits Day 3

My ability to keep up with the festival as time progressed was dismal. I was very tired by Sunday morning and I think it’s because I’m getting older. I got a late start and ate some Chinese for lunch catching up with friends. Due to the late start, I don’t feel as beat up today. I’m actually sitting in my best friends class, he teaches 7th grade Social Studies.


My first show for the day, and I don’t really care for his music all that much, he knew how to get the crowd moving and shaking. I’ve listened to his live at Stubbs CD and I do have to say that his music does translate even better live.

The New Pornographers

I finally caught the New Pornographers. I have always missed them on tour. The first time I catch them and Neko Case is on stage. What luck!! They were one of the better draws for the afternoon, very kewl indeed….

Vh-1 wants to forgive us for our sins

By julio

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