Austin City Limits Day 1

Ted Leo & the Pharmacists-Ted Leo was in surpringly good spirits despite the oven like weather that we all had to endure. His shirt looked as if he just threw on a shirt after getting directly out of the shower. The music was solid. This is the second time I’ve seen him and I forgot how catchy his songs were. They often have this weird dub sound, I wasn’t sure if it was because it was live or just switching things around.

Deadboy and the Elephantmen- One of the better performances I saw all day. All this raw swamp rock sounded even better live. Their music lives a different life when played before an audience. I felt bad for the drummer on stage. The amount of hecklers in the crowd kind of made it uncomfortable for everyone around. I felt that it got to a point where she just wanted to say “Shut the Fuck Up!” and I applaude her for her ability to keep cool. She acted approriately and ended up kicking ass. Posted by Picasa

By julio

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