Platte Canyon High School Shooting

My expertise in writing usually revolves around music and tabloid fodder. That’s what I do and I love to write. However, there were incidents in my own backyard that unfolded and struck a chord in my mind. Bailey, CO is roughly 45 minutes from my office. Why do these school related events always happen in Colorado? The Readers Digest version: Lunatic in a hoodie goes into high school with a backpack, very unassuming, just meandering about in the library. At which point he enters a classroom, let’s one shot off, and proceeds to take his hostages. It is to be understood that at this point the rest of the class is gone for the exception of the six female hostages. The gunman released four of the hostages. He kept two of them, and began molesting/raping them. In his backpack was an assortment of sex toys etc… One of the last two hostages escaped, however, the last one was unfortunate and died in surgery @ St. Anthony’s. It will be interesting to see who is blamed for the latest debacle under the watch of Jefferson County Police(there is no SWAT team in Platte County). This is the second National episode, first being Columbine that involved the Jefferson County Police Department. Who will be sued? Who will bare the burden of blame? This topic in particular is important because of the direction that our public officials will take with our schools and the kids. What security measure will be taken? I worry about the future of public schools and our educators. I never really thought I would say this, but what if metal detectors were the answer. Probably not, considering that ceramic knives could be used instead. I guess I really don’t even have a good answer to any of the current issues affecting public schools today, but I can remain optimistic. The kids are going to be ok.

By julio

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