Tokyo Police Club last night @ Emo’s

Tokyo Police Club-The marathon has begun and the race is not to the swift. I didn’t realize that they were going to be so young, so young in fact that I saw one of them with an X on their hand signifying that he was underage. They were great live, tons of raw energy. They could have gone on for hours, too bad they don’t have that much material. There was six bands playing at Emo’s last night, indoor and outdoor collectively, and we opted to see one band. There was a shit ton of people and outdoors Emo’s was hotter than a sauna. I took a gander twice to make sure and there was no safe spot. I had already seen Poly Spree and although it would have been interesting to see the cram 90 people on the small stage outside, we were destined to go the Austinist Party at Mohawk. I didn’t know that the Caucus Club had closed and changed it’s name to Mohawk. It was a pretty cool set up. It’s a lounge on the inside and huge ass patio in the back. Today’s weather should be between not safe to leave anybody or anything in the car and if you’re outside, stay in the shade.

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By julio

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