Wow, it’s Sunday…..

and the Donkey’s have found a new way to shit the bed….. Those bastards could not make good with all the help that was sent their way. They gave the game to the St. Louis Rams 18-10, maybe next week against the Chiefs, which they lost their starting QB Trent Green. Is it too early to ask for Shanahan bench Plummer? Alright, I had to vent a little.

Back to the ACL list. We are in the homestretch, and there are sooo many good bands that will be in Austin this week, but only a few will survive , muahahahahah!!!!

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists#7-Ted Leo has been around for a while. He has the hard punk sound with this very earnest voice and you always know that you’ve hit the big time when you hear Ted Leo covering one of your songs.

Ted Leo & the Pharmacists-Little Dawn

Ted Leo & the Pharamcists-Bleeding Powers

Deadboy and Elephantmen #8- This Southern Duo serves up some dirty rock cajun style, just how they like it. Their sets are very loud and would make Jack White proud.

Deadboy and Elephantmen-Stop I’m Already Dead

Deadboy and Elephantman-Ancient Man

By julio

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