The Gossip @ ROCK ISLAND w/Erase Errata

I can and will make a confession. Last night was my first night going to Rock Island. This place is a Denver Landmark and a place where the underage get their first venue experiences because the place caters to their age group. I had expected something different. My roomate had given me a stigma against the place because he use to work literally upstairs from the venue and always said the place was shitted out . Upon walking into the joint, I kind of got teary eyed. The smell was much like the bars back in Juarez that I use to frequent when I was 15/16. The place was a lot bigger than I had anticipated. Tons of room. Wow, this place actually has potential…. On to the music, Erase Errata stormed the stage without notice and just plain out rawked. I didn’t anticipate these gals that looked like the ones that use to sit next to me in my high school Calculus class to play like they did, and to boot, they were pretty funny too. The Gossip sounded exactly how I expected. It’s like listening to Aretha Franklin front a rock band. Wow, that girl has some pipes, and did I mention she can cut a rug?!!?!?

The Gossip-Dressed in Black

Erase Errata-Driving Test

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By julio

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