Lets Make Love & Listen to Death From Above!!!

DFA in Denver? What , seriously? No way…you don’t say….. I finally get to see James Murphy in the flesh! I have been shut out of LCD a couple of times because I dragged ass last time. This time, I will be on the bal!. But wait, more DFA news!!! The Juan Maclean will be doing the DJ thing and will be in Mexico too!! RIGHT ON!!

Radio 4-Dance to the Underground (DFA remix).mp3

The Juan Maclean – Love is in the air.mp3

DFA dates:
09-20 San Francisco, CA – Mezzanine *#

09-21 Seattle, WA – Chop Suey *#
09-22 Vancouver, British Columbia – Celebrities *#
09-23 Los Angeles, CA – Vanguard *#
09-24 Los Angeles, CA – The Standard *#
09-28 Denver, CO – The Church *%
09-30 Toronto, Ontario – State Theater *^%
10-01 Montreal, Quebec – I Love Neon *^%
10-06 Chicago, IL – Smart Bar *^%
10-07 New York, NY – TBA *#^%
10-11 Houston, TX – A38 #^
10-12 Austin, TX – Factory People #^
10-12 Austin, TX – Whiskey Bar #^
10-13 Atlanta, GA – TBA #^
10-14 Miami, FL – Pop Life at the District #^
10-15 Miami, FL – The Standard Hotel #^
* with James Murphy
# with Juan Maclean
^ with Tim Sweeney
% with Shit Robot (Marcus Lambkin)

Juan Maclean dates:
08-29 Los Angeles, CA – The Standard Hotel
08-31 Guadalajara, Mexico – La Santa Bar
09-01 Chilangolandia (Mexico City), Mexico – Cibeles
09-02 Chicago, IL – Northerly Island (PureNation Festival) (live band) *
09-03 Toronto, Ontario – The Guvernment (Labour of Love 2006)
10-27 Melbourne, Australia – TBA (DFA vs. Modular) #
10-28 Sydney, Australia – TBA (DFA vs. Modular) #
* with Prodigy# with Beats in Space

By julio

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