A Shoreline Dream Friday Night @ the Bluebird Theatre

Recorded music usually translates into something a little differently live. Usually if it’s good, the music will be better, and when it’s not, I guess it’s not. My point is that on an album , bands that sound like a calm autumn afternoon, usually translates into a thunderous sonic explosion live. On the album, the guys sound very wispy, yet live, it was beautifully sinister. I reveled in every moment of the dark sounding arrangements that transcended into triumph. This was my first time seeing the band perform live, and I can affirmly say that the band went above and beyond expectations. Their new album “Avoiding the Consequences” is being released Sept. 19 and will be on tour shortly thereafter, so look for them tour dates coming soon….

A Shoreline Dream – Saturday Night MP3 File Link (editors note: please listen especially at the 3:19 point, it will blow your mind, you will also thank me later)

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By julio

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