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Pete Yorn – Live In-Store Performance @ Twist and Shout Tonight

Pete Yorn played to a packed house tonight at Twist and Shout before heading over to the Walnut Room to play to a sold out crowd. Many of you may know him from “Life on a Chain” or his amazing first album “Musicforthemorningafter.” That album was the anthem for my 21st birthday. The funny thing is that I saw him play first when he came to Denver at the Soiled Dove. Curiously enough, that was the first and only encounter I have had to getting a DUI. Driving drunk does not pay, and I made the mistake of driving against traffic in downtown. The police officers were gracious enough to let me slide, they saw my ID and saw that my 21st birthday had just passed the week before. They were merciful and let me lock my keys in my car and get home by any means necessary. But back to Pete, he was belting out many B-side gems and unreleased material that definately peaked my interest in the upcoming release. Funny enough also, he bummed a smoke off of me when he opened up for Train and Matchbox 20, yes, I can admit that I was there and my friend Erin worked for House of Blues at the time and hooked it up for me. EWWW, did I think I was ever soo kewl…. His new album “Nightcrawler” is scheduled to be released August 29th.

Pete Yorn with Natalie Maines – The Man mp3 File Link
Pete Yorn – Life on a Chain mp3 File Link

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. That looks badass…dude i never knew that story that u almost got a dui and they let u go?

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