Wassup Rockers

Larry Clark has always been on the forefront of pushing boundaries in his movies. “Kids” was a movie that started the careers of Chloe Sevigney and Rosario Dawson had all the elements of a controversial movie. Teens using drugs, check. Unprotected sex with other kids that have aids, check. Foul language used to the max, check. Although, “Wassup Rockers” picks up where “Kids” left off, it deals with issues on a different level on a different coast. The movie takes place in South Central Los Angeles and involves Hispanic kids that resist conforming to the norm by not joining a gang but forming a skate crew. They are forever being made fun for their use of tight clothes and their start up band. Larry Clark follows them around and captures their day to day tribulations in this urban tale about society dictating social norms. The movie deals with racism, teen sex, violence, and the upward struggle for minorities in this country. Many people think that racism is a theme from the past, but even now in 2006, we are still knee deep in racism, the only difference is that it isn’t as vocal as it was in the past.

By julio

3 thoughts on “”
  1. I look forward to seeing the film, might even see it tonight. Horrible title though, oh and I am going to check out Black Heart Procession in a week or two.

  2. yah I saw wassup rockers on friday..it was soooo good..go see it..im going to BHP too…

  3. I will see it as long as kids are still fucking and geting AIDS.. Ohh YEA!

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