New Hidden Cameras!!!!

The Hidden Cameras will be releasing their new album “Awoo” 09-19-2006 on their new label Arts & Crafts home to Broken Social Scene, Stars, and pretty much every important band that you need to listen to. I agree with many others when they say that Phil Spector may have an influence on these kids because there is a towering wall of sound on each song.

The Hidden Cameras – Lollipop mp3 File Link

and a quick note from their record label

Release Date: September 19, 2006he Hidden Cameras make flamboyant orchestral pop music, and their third studio album, “AWOO”, is their most extraordinary statement yet. A loose collective occasionally comprised of about 13 members, Toronto’s Hidden cameras blend glistening Afropop guitar work with joyful, anthemic hymns. Lead singer, Joel Gibb’s lyrics explore gay love and sex with a rare fearless explicitness, as well as Jungian themes of the aenima, the waning moon and pagan magic. Recorded at the Gas Station on Toronto Island, AWOO is produced by Gibb and recorded by Don Kerrr of Ron Sexsmith and Ohad Benchetrit of Do Make Say Think. Arts&Crafts will release AWOO on September 19 in the USA. It will remain on the band’s own label Evil Evil in Canada and on Rough Trade for the rest of the world.GalleryAC: CD


Death of a Tune
She’s Gone
Fee Fie
Learning The Lie
Follow These Eyes
Heaven Turns To
For Fun
Hump From Bending
The WAning mOOn

By julio

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