Sound Team @ Hi-Dive 06-25-06

I don’t think I could have planned it any better. My birthday this year has been blessed with lots of great musical acts. Last night was part 2 of a 3 part series. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin opened up and to my suprise they were very Weezer sounding but old skool Weezer. They were a bit quirky but strong opener nonetheless. I had no frame of refrence and was a little skeptical, but they were a pleasant suprise. Sound Team invaded the small stage w/their giant entourage and blew the roof off of Hi-Dive. The stage barely fit the crew and had a/v problems but still managed to overcome the technical difficulties and passed with flying colors. They didn’t lose their cool, but still rolled with the music. I have seen many times when a musical act loses their composure and storms off stage leaving a bitter taste in the mouth of the audience, but not this time, Sound Team kicked our ass. They were brilliant and my only qualm was that they didn’t play “Afterglow Years” but you can’t win them all.

Sound Team-Born to Please mp3 File Link

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. yeah the pics came out super great!!!….have fun in Saint Diego…and of course Radiohead!!!!

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