Run to the border….

I attempted to go to my little sisters graduation (over 750 miles) this past Memorial day weekend only to not go and do something else. We traveled from Denver to my hometown of El Paso/Juarez and were met with other expectations. It literally felt like one of those Mastercard commercials.

Roadtrip from Denver to El Paso and back $289
Snacks for the road $8
Bottles of Cuervo for Graduation party $50
Being shunned by your little sister at the graduation party but meeting new and cooler members of the family: priceless

I ate at all my divey places I love frequenting and went and saw some cool places while in Juarez over the weekend. I also came to find out that there is no more bull fighting ring because it is being torn down to make way for a MUCH NEEDED WAL MART, please take notice of the sarcasm.

By julio

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