Riverboat Gamblers at Waterloo (Last Week)

My buddy and his brother caught these guys twice last week doing an instore performance at Waterloo. I have to say that I had written them off before, but upon furthur review, I have to say that these guys kicked me in the face. They aren’t Americana or Rockabilly, but straight Rock N’ Roll. Rolling Stone seems to think that they are one of the bands that kicked ace at SXSW this year that were under the radar.

Here they are at Waterloo Records in Austin


Rolling Stone–

Riverboat Gamblers
Punk-rock catharsis from Denton, Texas
The best band without a major-label deal at SXSW ’06 doesn’t want much for signing up: “We want ear-tube phones,” singer Mike “Teko” Wiebe told the crowd at Emo’s, “so we can look like assholes talking to no one as we walk down Sixth Street.” In return, the Gamblers guarantee punk-rock catharsis. Ripping through fourteen songs in half an hour, they baptized pogoers and badge-holders alike in sweat and yell-along choruses as Wiebe, a beanpole Iggy Pop, literally bounced off walls, crawled atop the audience as far as his mike cord allowed and hung by his ankles from the rafter as he sang. The band’s new album, To the Confusion of Our Enemies, will be out April 25th, to the delight of everyone else.
Listen to one track off the To the Confusion of Our Enemies album:
“True Crime”

By julio

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