The weekend that was, or is??

I think it is safe to say that everybody and their grandmother saw The Davinci Code, except for me. I never read the book, nor do I want to. I think watching America’s favorite Free Mason portray the protagonist in the movie will suffice. Kinda of slow around the homefront. I have a copy of the new SoundTeam Movie Monster waiting at the crib, and people are already comparing this to Broken Social Scene You Forgot It In People, which was an album that I listened to non-stop for 6months, seriously, ask my roommate, she will probably concur. I am still eager to listen to a couple of new albums, I have been a little slow on the uptake. New releases by Juana Molina, Walkmen, Gomez , and a couple that escape me for the moment.

I am pretty confident is making this statement. HBO has the best original programming on television. Last night on the Sopranos, Vito (homosexual gangsta) was off’d in a motel by one of Phil’s lackeys by pummeling him to death and sticking a cue stick up his arse. OUCH!!! I do not wish that on my worst enemy. The scene was kind of reminiscent of many bloody scenes from Casino. AJ continues to be a worthless SOB and Meadow is running off to California was some schmuck. As for the crew, I think they are having the stage set for what is going to be some of the worst blood shed this show has seen. Why you ask? Well the season finale is in 2 weeks, so don’t forget to have the Zitti cookin’ for the season finale.

On the flipside, Big Love is getting better and better. Bill (Bill Paxton) has his hands full w/Roman and the UEB. He just bought himself a chair on the council and we just found out that Margene has a bun in the oven. I don’t think the other sister wives are as excited as Bill about the new addition. Roman’s 14year old wife that is in training may have something up her sleeve and Bill’s brother that is the weak link shall prove to be Bill’s demise in the end, he just can’t help himself.

By julio

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