“Si se puede!!”
“Yes we can!!”

Today I will be jumping on my soapbox. Just for one day. This site is dedicated to my unhealthy obsession w/music and movies. I know there are many critics that feel that a total walkout on most jobs and schools by people of Hispanic descent is absolutely frivolous and will prove to be unfruitful. The funny thing is that today is supposed to be what a movie titled “A Day Without a Mexican” portrayed, 98% of the service/migrant worker infrastructure in the state of California would collapse and cripple immediately. Several rallies are being held in Los Angeles, NYC, and most large metropolitan cities. Everybody is encouraged not to buy anything at all today. NO SPENDING MONEY. The rally in Denver starts at 10:30 am and the march starts at North High School, which is coincedentally 1 block from my house. The funny thing is that the Rocky Mountain News this morning quoted one of the students as saying that most of the walkouts were inspired by HBO’s movie “Walkout” which depicts the Hispanic equal education riots in the 60’s in Los Angeles. What is important to remember is to not carry any flags from other countries but the US flag. It shows the rest of the world that we are all American and are here together. Most people opposed to the rallies are scared because they fear that the entire US Southwest will be reoccuppied by Mexico bringing back the area formerly known as “Aztlan.”
We will see how the days events unfold and I plan on being in the thick of it. What many people fail to see is that these immigrants are not criminals but trying to get a better future for themselves and their respective families.

By julio

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