Deep in the heart of Texas …..

I leave tomorrow for SXSW which is Mecca for many people around the globe that lust for music as much as I do… I have been out of commission due to having my wisdom teeth pulled and having the flu, I swear it has been lingering for a couple of weeks and I can’t seem to shake it, I think its SARS or West Nile, or even VD, whatever the case, I plan on being in the ATX tomorrow. I haven’t started to schedule anything, although I have been put on some lists for day parties, here are a couple… Wish me luck, I will need it, and tomorrow night starts the mayhem, an appetizer if you will, Live at Stubbs, the Strokes w/the Eagles of Death Metal…

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. Stop using acronyms no one understands. Ass. So, Tio J gets a call on a WRC. Takes PC for 6k. only the biz is actually Los. and it wasnt 6k it was 2K and he didnt take a PC he took a maybe I will call back. Only he tells H.E that the 6k is bagged. Tio not popular. Los calls chimp and chimp says got the whole 6k so nice you will settle for a 1/3 of it…Tio really not popular now. New guy staring at Tio like he just discovered new specis in Borneo. Tio trying to kiss hairy back side of Los, not him fault he confused….Tio may be face down b4 you return….Tell Austin I said hey.

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