Friday night sounds good to me….

The Rakes @ Urban Outfitters

Last of the SXSW Posts…I promise

ugh, it has taken me this long to recuperate from the mayhem that was known as SXSW, but I am in one piece, and I think I may have a functional computer to work with… but here goes, they are just going to be out of order, some in order, and other photos completely missing because I forgot my camera on Saturday, and by that point, I was already in the “eh, is this shit over with” mode…. I left off on the transition to the Insound shindig that took forever to get into, the only day party where we waited, and it was well worth the wait…we saw Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and scored free booze…we rushed that night and went to Changos for dinner, and hit up the Kemado Records Showcase where we caught Dungen=shite, the Fever were alright, Elefant ruled, and we split the Sword and caught Tapes N’ Tapes finally, not before almost being pummeled by some belligerent drunks at Latitude 30 , overall a very productive day. Saturday was fairly tame, we hit up the Rakes at Urban which was awesome, caught Nine Black Alps and Snow Patrol at the Filter party at Cedar St…beautiful place, love the little courtyard…Saturday night was the end of our road, we caught Forward Russia! fucking awesome, those guys are kind of like the Rapture/Icarus Line, soooo good, only to be WAMMMOED into some shite at Zona Rosa to see the Stills and Tower of London, which both were awful, I really felt my life coming down to a halt at that moment…after the excrutiating pain we jetted back to Fox and the Hound to catch She Wants Revenge, and talk about no personality, those guys have zilch, you are better off just listening to their CD, and we had to beat it, the soles of my shoes went on strike and we couldn’t stick around for We are Scientists…The next day we met up w/one of my old friends from high school, Jessica Becker….I luv this girl, she is probably one of the coolest girls I know and she reminded me of that, even though we only hung for an hour, but after that we saw that new movie w/Amanda Bynes, “She’s the Man” based on that old 80’s movie “Just One of the Guys” that is based on a Shakespearean play “Midsummer’s Night Dream”and it provided some much needed slapstick comedy, something very silly because by this point I could no longer focus on a coffee cup if I wanted to…but I am home in sweet Denver alas and ready for the Weekend…

The Juan Maclean- Pitchfork Media Party

Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Insound Party- Club Deville

The Fever – Buffalo Billiards

The Official SXSW Austin Crew (sans me)

Forward Russia-Fox and the Hound

Nine Black Alps-Cedar St -Filter Party

Snow Patrol- acoustic Cedar St. – Filter Party

By julio

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