===================So this post couldn’t wait till manana===================

I know I say this after every good show that I have seen, but, WOW, I never thought a concert would ever impact me the Sigur Ros did tonight. Thier sound makes you feel this sense of nostalgia that makes you teary eyed. There’s one song off of ( ) , I think it’s no.3 , but everytime I hear that song it makes me feel as if I were having my last moments and everything that ever mattered to me started flashing before my eyes, but in a good way. The other funny side to this story is that same song also makes me think of what music would sound like in the afterlife. Sigur Ros had me in tears like a little seven year-old that just skinned her knee. This was only after the second song. They sounded fierce, had this sonic presence and their drummer is amazing. Very impressed!! I am happy that I decided to go and well worth the money I spent…

By julio

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