So this next week is kinda of busy….

I have finally returned from exile/hibernation and am happy to say that the next couple of weeks will be crazy, but good crazy. For starters, tonight is the sold out Jeff Tweedy Show at the Gothic Theatre. I have only seen him w/Wilco and have a couple of his solo shows that I have listened to countless of times. I am very excited/aprehenisve about the show…. I like it when he just rocks out with the tons of noise distortion on some of the newer material, but tonight he will be most likely on his acoustic. I think the show will be epic, probably 2 hrs, or atleast I’m hoping. The next couple of days has me seeing Sasha, Coldplay, Sigur Ros, and Low. Not to mention that the next couple of weeks will start the countdown to SXSW.

By julio

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