America wanna see Tron live, not work!Just livin’ for the ci-tay

So I have come out of my rut. I was kind of depressed and have seen the light at the end of the tunnel. It is going to be very hard for me to see anybody else at the Comedy Works in the future without saying that it was alright. I have to say that I will be crying tommorow because of the amount of laughter that was had tonight. He let every race in the US have it with double barrels. Blacks, Whites, Asians, Mexicans etc…. The best part of it was that I saw him only 3 rows back and the maximum capacity was no more than 250 people. It was absoulutely insane. I wasn’t even going to go to see him because to my understanding, people had waited for like 4 hours in line to get tickets, and then out of the blue I get a call today asking if I want to buy tickets for the 11pm show tonight. It was like telling Tyrone Biggums that there was a 5 o’clock crack giveaway.

Moving right along, I finally saw “Shopgirl”

I have to say that I was quite impressed with Steve Martin’s writing abilities with his novella turned film “Shopgirl.” It translated well and his character developments left nothing up for interpretation. It was kind of funny to see how he incorporated the lead singer from Sun Kil Moon and Red House Painter Mark Kowlcek to play such a pivotal character in the movie. Jason Schwartzman of course played the struggling artist character in the movie, far fetch, from his drum playing days with his real life former band Phantom Planet. Coincedentally enough, I always that they put out one of the better records from 2004. Funny enough, Claire Danes played a very tolerable role that lent herself to be liked in the movie and not just tolerated.

Currently Listening toKiss Me Deadly

I have to say that since I heard that first single off of this album I have been converted and then some. The crazy thing is that I have seen this band live and I can’t remember what they sounded like or who they were. They opened up for Bloc Party in Denver last May at the Gothic Theatre , but for the life of my I cannot remember what they sounded like. Point is that I really enjoy them a lot and can’t stop listening to them. I can’t figure out if it is the singers manic conviction or the quiet yelp, whatever the case maybe, I really like them.

The week ahead in the Denver area is very promising, seriously, ask Tonya from up the street…. to be continued She Wants Revenge, Diamond Nights, and The Joggers off of Startime… Whatelse can you want, I better enjoy before I head off to the desert land of El Pisso/Juaritos for Thanksgiving…..

By julio

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